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February 10, 2011

Aion : The Tower of Eternity MMORPG

Aion : The Tower of Eternity MMORPG Free download

Aion is an online game that is trying to offer something new for gamers and they managed to do it. For the initial appearance only, this game is quite interesting and we are confident will, gamers who like to play games online, would be stunned and interested to play it. In addition to captivating performances, another feature common in online gaming also looks very promising, ranging from the mission, skill, crafting, economics and socialization. Beyond that, there is one more feature that makes this game feel different from games that already exist. In this game, there is a battle arena called the Abyss where the game will involve the ability of gamers to fly in this game by using their respective wings. 

No doubt, this game is one game that has very beautiful graphics of all online games we've played so far. Provided such a beautiful scenery and weather effects which included also looks so real, to the extent that you can feel the effects of heat from the sun that shines in this game. If this game has wider locations to explore, then we believe that aspects of the exploration will be one of the biggest attractions of this game. Unfortunately, the location that you can find not too much because as a whole, the world Atreia (name of the world in Aion) has been broken and is left is a small two separate continents. Every continent has only five zones and one major city. Well, since the two factions that are here are mutually hostile factions, so gamers will not be able to casually explore other continents

Perhaps the only deficiency of this game is the fact that we have to constantly perform the same mission in order to increase the level of our character. But we have to admit, given the mission here was quite fun to do. You need to remember also, in this game you will be forced to read the information given by the mission giver, because sometimes there is information provided by them and it will not appear in the notes to your mission. So, you should not underestimate the information given by the AI's.
Aion : The Tower of Eternity MMORPG Free download

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